Saturday, January 31, 2009

funny daddy

Took this clip last week or so. Jaina is having a good time laughing at daddy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First and new shoes

The new Balances are Jaina's first pair of shoes. The nike's are new pair of shoes.

Static personality

overall pictures


Once Jaina goes down for her nap. I will post some pictures I took yesterday and a few others from the past few days. I had to take pictures of her yesterday cause I had her in purple overalls that had my little pony on them. She looked so cute.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jaina and the Couch

Well I finally pulled away from facebook. Since Jaina can get up onto the couch she thinks she is ment to stand on it. I also noticed today that soon we will have to block of the stairs differently. We have a gate there that has a bin in front of it and she managed to climb on the bin.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Memory Lane

Last night was one of those nights I went to go to bed cause I was a little tired and as soon I was laying in bed in total darkness my mind decided to go down memory lane. Of course today I don't remember what I was reminiscing about last just that I was awake cause of it. Get those kind of nights every so often and think those are the kind of nights to have when company is over to share those memories with but, for me never happens.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Jaina is getting pretty good at climbing up on the couch. A few times she made her way off of the couch on her own. Her way isn't the stablest way. She also knows how to climb onto her jumper which will be going to someone soon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


First off happy to have the internet again at home. Ok now on to about the pringles. Yesterday afternoon Jaina saw that I had some pringles. She wanted one so, I gave her one. She ate most of what I gave her and she started to walk around the kitchen when she noticed quiz laying on the floor near his dishes. She made her way to him. I am thinking ok quiz is about to get smack by Jaina once again. Instead of beating on him like she does she decided to share what was left of her pringle chip by shoving the chip into his face.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Enter at own risk

Can tell that Jaina is entering the toddler stage. When she doesn't get her way she lets you know by getting upset along with banging her head into the floor or a wall. Sometimes we have to be carefull as well cause if she not getting her way and you have ahold of her she will head bunt you. She is also into wanting to climb on the couch. If she trys hard enough she can make it. Not too often does she make it. Most of the time she gets upset and starts to bite the couch and bang her head into it cause it is making her mad.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Saying Hi

Jaina is now into saying hi. The day before we left Columbus she started to say hi. We would say hi to her and she would say it back. Today in the car she would see people outside and she would wave and say hi.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas At Disney

Here are a few pictures at Disney. The Mickey earsshe has on her head she actually has at home with her name on the back.


Here are a few pictures of Jaina's baptism. Got Uncle Eric holding her in the top picture. Of course still using the comptures at the library.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year

Soon pictures will be posted of Jaina's baptism and Christmas at Disney. Jaina enjoyed herself. She liked getting her picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. She liked grabbing thier noses. She also had fun on a few of the rides. She also managed to catch a cold this week so, New Years Eve and New Years Day she was in a bit of a fussy mood.