Monday, February 16, 2009

New Kitten

We have had a new cat in the house for almost 2 weeks now. It is a girl kitty and she will be a year next month. Quiz and the new cat get along fine took both of them a few days to get used of each other but, you can tell she knows that quiz is the dominate cat. Well quiz doesn't have to do much since his size says it all. Well with the new cat might help quiz a little with the weight. At least he is getting some exercise. Jaina likes to terrorize the new cat. She pokes her and smacks her. We tell the kitty to run when Jaina comes. Other then the new kitty life down here in Californis is kind of depressing with all the rain.


Nilla said...

So what's the new kitty's name? You'll have to take a picture! Also, isn't it funny how kids just love animals!