Friday, October 2, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It is always fun walking around your neighborhood and you find snakes. Was out walking with Jaina. She was in her stroller when I realized I just ran over a snake. Of course the snake didn't move. Tryed using a stick to get it to move somewhere else but, figure to leave it alone when it started to flick its tail around along with hissing and bitting the stick. One I got back to the house I noticed my door was being cuddled by another snake that looked like the one that was hissing at me. I was glad that I had Jaina in her stroller.
Posted by Jenny at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
scottish games
This past saturday Greg, I and Jaina took a trip out to see the scottish games in pleasenton. Didn't get to see any of the games. We at least got to see a dog herd some sheep and all the people dressed up. Some of the tents they had up looked really great. Both Greg and I agreed that if we had the money to blow at one of these we wouldn't have a problem. The price for us getting in was not bad. We got in for free cause of Greg being active duty and 8 bucks for parking. All that you can't beat for a fun day at the games. If Jaina was closer to school age we would of spent the whole day there and try to see more. Jaina actually had a guy playing a bit of a tune for her. I recorded it on the camra but, the computer is giving issues with recognizing video clips for some reason. This is worth going to again since finally Greg and I finally went to one. We have all ways said we would go to one of the games or fairs that have been advertised out here.
Posted by Jenny at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Jaina's horsey
Got jaina a new toy. Found it on Travis Yard Sales. Got it Cheaper. Jaina seems to love it
Posted by Jenny at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
If it moo's it must be a puppy
Yesterday Jaina saw the cows near where we live and she pointed at them and said puppy.
I came up with that Jaina is part hampster part monkey. The reason is you know how hampsters store food in the cheeks of their mouth for later well Jaina does this but, instead of the cheeks of her mouth she trys putting food in her ears when she is done. Her monkey side is her climbing on everything. I can be on the computer and she ends up climbing all over me.
Posted by Jenny at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
ball an daddy
Today jaina and I had an outting. Checking out a produce store that opened today and it is one of those type places that only open for certain months of the year. Was crazy there. Well anyway where we were at was way out there near farming type land. Where the car was parked we could hear chickens and roosters. Jaina heard them and said daddy. Got me laughing then when we made our way home she patted her head and said ball.
Posted by Jenny at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
18 month app.
Jaina had her 18 month appointment on June 15th. She weighs 22.2 lbs and her weight is in the 25%. Her height is 33.1 inches and it is in the 90%. She is doing well and up to where she needs to be with picking up words and understanding what is asked. She didn't like the end of her appointment cause she had to get three shots.
Posted by Jenny at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
show me hand and i will show foot.
Today while giving Jaina her bath Greg would ask her to sho her foot and she would lift her foot up. Well Greg would ask for her hand she shows foot. He asked her where her nose is and she shows foot. It was so funny and cute at the same time that I had a hard time trying to stop laughing.
Posted by Jenny at 6:09 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
dat pease
Got Jaina saying please. Just today Greg had her say please for something. Then she saw he had keys in his hands and of course she said please for the keys. The other night Greg was joking around. Jaina was already in bed. He had his hands full so when he got to the gate in the kitchen he stood there and said dat.
Posted by Jenny at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
jaina using a fork
Not too long ago when i was grocery shopping I picked up a spoon and fork set for Jaina. Last week I gave Jaina the fork and she started to use it. She knows how to use it and knows what it is for but, just can't seem to get alot of food on it.
Posted by Jenny at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Jaina's easter dress
Posted by Jenny at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Taking on the beast
At times it is tough being a mom. I have my days with Jaina where I think will this day ever end and is it almost bed time for you yet. Those types of days must be more hectec for those that have more then one. Even though we have our rough days but, then we have our days when stuff like this happens and all you can do is just laugh.
Posted by Jenny at 7:49 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Stripper or Proctoligest
My Mom and brother have come up that when Jaina grows up she might have a job as a stripper or proctologist. The reason fro a stripper is that she has been know to stripp off her cloths let alone she has also has been a table and pole dancer. The proctoligy part is for some reason she funds our cats butts amusing. She likes to point at them and laugh. Some times she trys to poke at them and I have to stop her. I have joked with my mom and told her she might be both. She might tell people she stripped to make money to put herself through medical school.
Anyways onto other things. Jaina is picking up words very well now. She has up to 10 words that she says now. The latest is of her saying peas for please. Working on getting her to say please for things instead of that. She hasn't quite gotten down thank you yet. When we say Thank you too her she does manage to babble something but, can make it out to anything. If she manages to babble something when we say thank you to her at least it is close enough since soon enough she will manage to get a grasp on saying thank you.
Posted by Jenny at 11:54 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Finally able to do stuff back home with the internet. Now I have the slight feeling of playing catch up with pictures. The past week Jaina has picked up two new words nana and mine. She has also been throwing more tantrums as well along with shaking her hands and screaming when she isn't getting her way. She still hits her head on the floor or on anything else when she doesn't get her way. She has learned if she can't get somewhere to either grab momy or daddys hand and pull.
Posted by Jenny at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Computer Issues
Once again I am having to come to the library for internet. Once we have money to get a new computer will be able to do all that I like to do on the internet at home since i am limited at the library since I can only do so, much since Jaina makes it difficult for me to do it all. Jaina was dressed up in an easter dress for easter that grandma sent. No picture was taken but, ohters have been taken that eventually will be posted. Not much new has been going on Jaina is up to about 7 words or so.
Posted by Jenny at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kitty Hearder
Had to get a clip of this. Jaina figured since the new cat lets her beat on her she might as well drag her around by the tail. Most of the time she drags the cat by the tail a few times she has gone for the feet.
Posted by Jenny at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
naked baby
Jaina out did herself this morning. This morning instead of giving herself a diaper wedgie she managed to get butt naked. It was something else to see her struting around her crib wipping around her diaper in one hand and pajama bottoms in the other while in her birthday suit.
Posted by Jenny at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
This was done this past friday. Had Jaina outside she was dragging the broom behind her like crazy but, once I got the camra I was only able to get her dragging it a little. I guess by then she had her fill of dragging the broom. Along with dragging the broom she also was carrying the dust pan as well.
Posted by Jenny at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
New Kitten
We have had a new cat in the house for almost 2 weeks now. It is a girl kitty and she will be a year next month. Quiz and the new cat get along fine took both of them a few days to get used of each other but, you can tell she knows that quiz is the dominate cat. Well quiz doesn't have to do much since his size says it all. Well with the new cat might help quiz a little with the weight. At least he is getting some exercise. Jaina likes to terrorize the new cat. She pokes her and smacks her. We tell the kitty to run when Jaina comes. Other then the new kitty life down here in Californis is kind of depressing with all the rain.
Posted by Jenny at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Kitchen Gate
About a week or so ago I went to babies r us to get a gate to block off the kitchen to Jaina. The gate I got was a metal one that has a door. As I stand by the gate and watch Jaina shake the gate with one hand I think this sort of makes me think of scene from movies that involve prison. What I am refering to is you probably have seen the scene where the prisoners are using mirrors to see if gaurds or coming or using a tin cup to hit along the prison bars of thier cells.
Ok also on another note Jaina is doing pretty good. Last week Wednesday she got a fever from no where. She started to run a temp of 99.5 and lasted throught the night. Got up to a high of 101. Thursday of that week I made an appointment to have her checked to make sure she was ok. She checked out fine. Greg and I assumed the fever was from teething. When she had her appointment I could tell she remembered her doctor since all he had to do was look at her and she started bawling.
Posted by Jenny at 2:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Diaper Wedgie
All I have to say about how I saw Jaina this morning was wow. Ok like every morning we did our normal routine. Jaina had breafest and after that she got to play some till 8am. Once that time rolls around I take her to her room and put her into her crib so, I can take a shower. After I finished all that I needed to do I went to her room to get her ready. When I opened the door the only thing I could do was laugh and wished I had my camra in hand. Her she was standing in her crib still with her p.j. bottoms on and heap load of diaper hanging from the front of her bottoms. She managed to undo the diaper and decided to pull the diaper from the front. When I fixed the problem I thought you gave yourself one heck of a wedgie with your diaper.
Posted by Jenny at 11:45 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
funny daddy
Took this clip last week or so. Jaina is having a good time laughing at daddy.
Posted by Jenny at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Once Jaina goes down for her nap. I will post some pictures I took yesterday and a few others from the past few days. I had to take pictures of her yesterday cause I had her in purple overalls that had my little pony on them. She looked so cute.
Posted by Jenny at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Jaina and the Couch
Well I finally pulled away from facebook. Since Jaina can get up onto the couch she thinks she is ment to stand on it. I also noticed today that soon we will have to block of the stairs differently. We have a gate there that has a bin in front of it and she managed to climb on the bin.
Posted by Jenny at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Memory Lane
Last night was one of those nights I went to go to bed cause I was a little tired and as soon I was laying in bed in total darkness my mind decided to go down memory lane. Of course today I don't remember what I was reminiscing about last just that I was awake cause of it. Get those kind of nights every so often and think those are the kind of nights to have when company is over to share those memories with but, for me never happens.
Posted by Jenny at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Jaina is getting pretty good at climbing up on the couch. A few times she made her way off of the couch on her own. Her way isn't the stablest way. She also knows how to climb onto her jumper which will be going to someone soon.
Posted by Jenny at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First off happy to have the internet again at home. Ok now on to about the pringles. Yesterday afternoon Jaina saw that I had some pringles. She wanted one so, I gave her one. She ate most of what I gave her and she started to walk around the kitchen when she noticed quiz laying on the floor near his dishes. She made her way to him. I am thinking ok quiz is about to get smack by Jaina once again. Instead of beating on him like she does she decided to share what was left of her pringle chip by shoving the chip into his face.
Posted by Jenny at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Enter at own risk
Can tell that Jaina is entering the toddler stage. When she doesn't get her way she lets you know by getting upset along with banging her head into the floor or a wall. Sometimes we have to be carefull as well cause if she not getting her way and you have ahold of her she will head bunt you. She is also into wanting to climb on the couch. If she trys hard enough she can make it. Not too often does she make it. Most of the time she gets upset and starts to bite the couch and bang her head into it cause it is making her mad.
Posted by Jenny at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saying Hi
Jaina is now into saying hi. The day before we left Columbus she started to say hi. We would say hi to her and she would say it back. Today in the car she would see people outside and she would wave and say hi.
Posted by Jenny at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year
Soon pictures will be posted of Jaina's baptism and Christmas at Disney. Jaina enjoyed herself. She liked getting her picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. She liked grabbing thier noses. She also had fun on a few of the rides. She also managed to catch a cold this week so, New Years Eve and New Years Day she was in a bit of a fussy mood.
Posted by Jenny at 10:01 AM 0 comments